We have finally finished out project CodeSeeker.
This project's aim is to help developers to share their knowledge.
This is a tool in which a developer can see their changes with repository in a very cool user interface (not the simple eclipse subversion) and can allow others to see the same changes, and even comment their changes to make it a better work before it gets committed or pushed to repository!!!.
Known facilities for Team Code Review:
* If you are a developer:
- You can improve your habilities by being reviewed by your team mates and learn new things.
- You can learn business rules by reviewing your team mates work.
- You can be reviewed by your team mates and avoid making critical mistakes to the current project.
* If you are a team leader:
- You can verify if your team are developing software under the standards required by the project.
- You can comment on the work your team have done to encourage them or tell them about any mistake.
- You can be well-known about what code is going to be comitted before it gets to main repository.
Download here the CodeSeeker project
1. Download Code Seeker Software
2. Unzip and you will find the following files:
a. CodeSeeker (Web Application Resource [WAR] file)
b. CodeSeekerSQL (Scripts for database)
3. Execute the file "codeSeekerSQL" (default: MySQL database)
4. Database should look like this:
5. Operan the CodeSeeker.war file with "Win RAR" and edit the file "codeSeeker.properties" and save changes.
a. Variable "pp": It is the path of your physical disk where all your peer code reviews will be save, you should set here a folder with all permissions on your hard disk, and should not edit any of the files that will be created there.
b. Variable "databasePassword": It is the password for your database conecction.
c. Variable "databaseUserName": It is the user name for your database conecction.
d. Variable "databaseURL": It is the source of your database, in this case you should keep the reserved word "review"
Remember to save changes after editting.
"http://localhost:8080/CodeSeeker/" and should look like this.
To learn how to use Code Seeker please link the next post.
That's all, remember that when you get expert at something, the best way to keep being the best is teaching others what you know.
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